The purpose of this policy is to describe the “public purpose” to be accomplished through the University’s distribution of tickets or passes to both University sponsored events and non-University events. It is the policy of the University that the distribution of tickets or passes by the University to its officials or to a third-party at the request of a University official must accomplish a “public purpose” of the University. Tickets or passes distributed in accordance with this policy are not considered gifts under the Political Reform Act.

Public purposes under this policy include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Conducting University business, including oversight of University events;
  • Recognizing University employees for their work and promoting staff morale;
  • Strengthening alumni and private support for the University
  • Promoting of intergovernmental relations and collaboration between the University and other public agencies;
  • Promoting support of University athletics, arts, cultural, and entertainment offerings;
  • Promoting attendance at University events in order to maximize potential University revenue from parking and concession sales;
  • Promoting civic engagement;
  • Promoting community outreach;
  • Attracting or rewarding volunteer service;
  • Otherwise promoting institutional advancement.

Once a ticket or pass has been distributed to a University official in accordance with this policy, the official may not transfer the ticket or pass to any other person, except to members of the official’s immediate family or no more than one guest solely for their attendance at the event.

Authority: Government Code 83112, FPPC regulation 18944.1

Questions about this ticket reporting process may be directed to Jana Gabby, Conflict of Interest Coordinator (