Legal notices involving university business require prompt attention. If a subpoena is received by mail or personal service, it should be accepted. The individual, and/or department, should immediately contact the Office of Campus Counsel for assistance.

Guidelines for properly served subpoenas

If the process server attempts to serve a subpoena at a location other than the department named on the subpoena:

  • Direct the server to the correct department or,
  • Direct them to the Office of the Campus Counsel

If the process server insists on leaving the subpoena

  • Accept it and forward to the Office of Campus Counsel

Where to serve subpoenas

Subpoenas for university business records related to:                                

UC Davis

Current or former UC Davis employee(s):

UC Davis Health

Current or former UC Davis Health employee(s) 


Subpoenas for patient medical records:

Workers’ Compensation Subpoenas

Please note, subpoenas requiring an individual’s appearance at a deposition or other hearing on behalf of the campus department, the process server should provide witness fees at the time of service. A check made payable to UC Regents should be issued and dated the day of the deposition.

Proper Service of Subpoenas and Summons & Complaints (Non-UC Matters)

  • Individual persons named as defendants should be personally served
  • A Risk Management representative, is available to assist with subpoenas for individual persons by calling: 916-734-3883

Regarding Service on the Regents of the University of California